Friday, October 17, 2008

Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer - What it Means and What Your Options Are

Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer - What it Means and What Your Options Are
By []James Kernal

Prostate cancer can spread throughout the body through different means, but it tends to spread to bones rather than to other organs. Metastases means cancer spread, and with prostate cancer these can occur when the tumor is small. To determine whether the cancer has become an advanced metastatic cancer a bone scan is used. If it is found that the cancer has spread to the bone then the disease will be treated as an advanced metastatic disease, even if the tumor in the prostate itself is relatively small.

There are two different stages of prostate cancer spread (or metastases), denoted by:

M0 - The cancer has not yet spread outside the pelvic area
M1 - The cancer has spread outside the pelvic area

In the case of an advanced metastatic prostate cancer the M1 label is used.

In this scenario, it is considered unlikely that the cancer will be able to be cured. Once the cancer has spread to the bone, treatment for advanced metastatic cancer centres on slowing the cancers growth and reducing symptoms rather than a cure. Treatment also aims at prolonging life, and increasing its quality.

Possible treatments for advanced metastatic prostate cancer are that can slow the tumors growth are:

Hormone treatment

All prostate cancer treatments have associated side effects, so no one will force a patient into taking a particular therapy. The best course of action will be advised by the doctor, but ultimately the decision to have or not to have treatment is the patients.

Do you have prostate cancer and want to learn more about it? To find out more about prostate cancer, please visit []Prostate Cancer Info.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim

Breast Cancer - Another Obesity Victim
By []Tom Crystal

Obesity raises the risk of various types of cancer. And only 3% people know that obesity increases cancer risks. According to a recent research based on one million Americans conducted by the American cancer society, 14% of cancer deaths in men and 20% of cancer deaths in women occur due to Obesity. Scientists say that 90,000 deaths can be avoided in America if they take good care to maintain their body weight. Women are more likely to get cancer in their breasts, gallbladder, ovaries, colon and cervix while men get cancer in colon and rectum.

Breast cancer in women:

There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but together breast, lung, bowel and prostate cancer cover half of the cancer cases. Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in females. Overweight and obesity are the major causes of breast cancer.

Obesity and Breast cancer risk in females:

Obese women have higher amounts of estrogen in their body. Estrogen is mainly produced from the fatty tissues and more amount of fat in your body means you have higher chances of getting affected by breast cancer. Good nutrition, healthy living conditions and a fine environment may help girls to start puberty earlier in life and attain menopause later. Estrogen develops though out the fertility period. And better levels of estrogen in the body increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

Breast cancer in men:

Breast cancer is generally found in females but it is also seen in males. Recent research shows that breast cancer among males is also on the increase. And obesity is one of its main causes. In males too estrogen is responsible for breast cancer.

Obesity and breast cancer :

• Obesity affects both the development and progression of breast cancer.

• Post menopausal cancer risk is higher among obese women.

• Breast cancer mortality is higher in obese women.

• Body weight measured at different times during life also causes breast cancer.

Author is the webmaster of which gives valuable information on weight loss diet pills.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is Bladder Cancer?

What is Bladder Cancer?
By []Milos Pesic

The bladder is the organ in the body where urine is stored before it is expelled through urination. There are several different kinds of bladder cancer:

* Transitional cell carcinomas (cancer that begins in cells that normally make up the inner lining of the bladder) are the most common.

* Squamous cell carcinoma is cancer that begins in thin, flat cells.

* Adenocarcinoma is cancer that begins in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids.

The cells that cause squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma grow in the inner lining of the bladder and are caused by chronic irritation and inflammation.

Cancer that is in cells in the lining of the bladder is called superficial bladder cancer. Your doctor might call it carcinoma in situ. This kind of bladder cancer comes back many times, even after treatment. When the cancer returns, it is usually as another superficial cancer in the bladder.

Cancer that begins as a superficial tumor can grow through the lining and into the wall of the bladder. When this happens, it is known as "invasive" cancer. Invasive cancer can grow through the bladder wall. It can also grow into nearby organs like the uterus or vagina in women or into the prostate gland in men. This type of invasive cancer can also attack the walls of the abdomen.

When cancer spreads from one organ to another organ in the body, the new tumor will have the same kinds of cells as the original tumor. That is, if cancer cells that originated in the bladder invade the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually bladder cells. The tumor in the lung will be treated as though it were bladder cancer rather than as lung cancer. Sometimes doctors call new tumors "distant" disease.

Milos Pesic is a respected surgeon who specializes in treating all forms of cancer and runs a comprehensive Cancer Treatment web site. For more articles and resources on cancer symptoms and treatments, breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, prostate and colon cancer and much more, visit his site at:


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ovarian Cancer- It Whispers, So Listen

Ovarian Cancer- It Whispers, So Listen
By []Jean Wensink

Ovarian cancer is the biggest killer amongst all of the female cancers. Nearly 80% of those treated for ovarian cancer will experience a recurrence. The chances of death within the first five years of treatment is nearly 50%, no matter if it is stage 2,3, or 4. These grim statistics are now a reality for my own life. I am an ovarian cancer survivor.

One reason ovarian cancer is so deadly is because it is very difficult to detect. Often, by the time it is diagnosed, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. There is no reliable screening for ovarian cancer like there is for breast cancer and cervical cancer. It can only be detected through an exam by an Ob/Gyn. So, it is important for all women to make an effort to get those yearly exams.

There is a tumor marker,CA-125, in the blood that may show the presence of ovarian cancer. It is not used as a screening procedure because it is not reliable enough. However, in cases where a woman is at a high risk, the CA-125 marker may be used to alert a Dr. for further testing.

A woman's worst nightmare is the diagnosis of cancer. Yet, early detection is the best way to prevent any cancer from spreading and growing. Take care of yourself and take the time to get your yearly exam. It could save your life.

Article Source:,-So-Listen&id=164878

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Staging Colon Cancer

Staging Colon Cancer
By []Theodore Frazer

Staging is a method of evaluating the progress of colon cancer in a patient. That is, it looks at the colon cancer (tumor) and the extent to which the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Once doctors know how far along the colon cancer is, they can decide on the best course of treatment.

Today, the most common used system for the staging of colon cancer is the American Joint Committee on Cancer's (AJCC) TNM staging system. This staging system places patients into one of four stages (Stage I, Stage II, Stage III and Stage IV).

American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Staging System

Stage 0 Colon Cancer

In Stage 0, the colon cancer is found in the innermost lining of the colon only. Stage 0 colorectal cancer is also called carcinoma in situ.

Stage I Colon Cancer

In Stage I, the colon cancer has begun to spread, but is still in the inner lining of the colon or rectum. In Stage I, the colon cancer has not reached the outer wall of the colon. Another name for Stage I colorectal cancer or Duke A.

Stage II Colon Cancer

In Stage II, the colon cancer extends more deeply into and/or through the colon or rectum. The colon cancer may have invaded nearby tissue. In Stage II, it the colon cancer has not reached lymph nodes (Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped structures found throughout the body that filter substances in a fluid call lymph to help fight infection and disease. Another name for Stage II colorectal cancer or Duke B.

Stage III Colon Cancer

In Stage III, the colon cancer has spread to lymph nodes, but has not been carried to distant parts of the body. Another name for Stage III colorectal cancer or Duke C.

Stage IV Colon Cancer

In Stage IV, the colon cancer has been carried through the lymph system to distant parts of the body. This is known as metastasis. The most likely organs to experience metastasis from colorectal cancer are the lungs and liver. Another name for Stage IV colorectal cancer or Duke D.

Recurrent Colon Cancer or Cancerous Cells

Recurrent colon cancer is the return of cancerous cells that have already been treated. The cancerous cells could return as colorectal cancer, and/or return in any other part of the body.

Theodore Frazer

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Small Cell Lung Cancer

Small Cell Lung Cancer
By []Tim Grimsley

Small Cell Lung Cancer is second only to breast cancer in terms of deaths. There are about 175,000 reported cases of Small Cell Lung Cancer in the U.S. each year. Of these, about 160,000 will result in the death of the patient. Small Cell Lung Cancer is so deadly because it is hard to catch in time. Small Cell Lung Cancer develops in cells that are actually so small that they do not show up on normal x-rays. By the time they are found the cancer is usually already into an advanced state.

The leading cause of Small Cell Lung Cancer is smoking. Smokers run a much higher chance of contracting Small Cell Lung Cancer as compared to non-smokers. Anyone who is a smoker should see a doctor for regular examinations.

The best chance someone has if they contract Small Cell Lung Cancer is catching it early. Those who catch the cancer in the first stage of development have up to a 40% chance of survival with the correct treatment.

There are two forms of lung cancer, Small Cell Lung Cancer and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is the least dangerous of the two. About 50% of the lung cancer cases reported are Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. These are treatable. Patients often see a full recovery. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer has 5 stages of development. The recovery percentages decrease the more advanced it becomes.

Small Cell Lung Cancer only has two stages: mild and severe. When it reaches the severe state it spreads very rapidly throughout the body. This is why it is much tougher to fight. By the time Small Cell Lung Cancer is detected it is usually in the severe stage. At this point most patients only have 18-20 months to live.

While surgery plays the most important part in the treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, chemotherapy is always the chosen treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer. In the case of limited stage SCLC, radiation therapy may also be used as the cancer is still localized to the chest area where radiation can be focused... []CONTINUE

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Kidney Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Information with Treatment

Kidney Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Information with Treatment
By []Juliet Cohen

Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first begins, and kidney cancer is no exception. As kidney cancer grows, it may invade organs near the kidney. Kidney cancer begins in the kidneys two large, bean-shaped organs one located to the left, and the other to the right of the backbone. Some of the areas it affects are the liver, colon, and pancreas. Renal is the Latin word for kidney, and kidney cancer may also be referred to as renal cancer. Kidney cancer cells may also break away from the original tumor and spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. When kidney cancer spreads, cancer cells may appear in the lymph nodes.

Causes of Kidney Cancer

The common Causes and risk factors of Kidney Cancer:


High blood pressure.


Poor diet.

Tuberous sclerosis.

Family history.

Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Some Symptoms of Kidney Cancer:

A lump or mass in the kidney area.

Weight loss.

High blood pressure.

Side pain that does not go away.

Blood in the urine.

Loss of appetite.



Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells, and is also sometimes used to relieve pain when kidney cancer has spread to the bone.

Biological therapy is a treatment that uses the body's own immune system to fight cancer.

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells.

Hormone therapy is used in a small number of patients with advanced kidney cancer to try to control the growth of cancer cells.

The whole kidney is removed along with the adrenal gland, tissue around the kidney, and, sometimes, lymph nodes in the area.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on []diseases and conditions and []skin disorders. She also writes articles on []herbal home remedies.

Article Source:,-Symptoms,-Information-with-Treatment&id=788676

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bone Cancer

Bone Cancer
By []Karen Lavender

Bones form the core structure of our body. In total, there are 200 bones in a human body that support us and provide protection to our body organs. Though bone cancer is not as common as most other types of cancer, it is quite dangerous like most cancers.

Types of bone cancer

There are mainly 2 categories in which we can classify bone cancer – primary bone cancer and secondary bone cancer. When the bone cancer originates in the bone itself, it is categorised as primary bone cancer and when it spreads from a cancer elsewhere in the body it is known as secondary bone cancer. Though there are quite a few different kinds of bone cancer, the most common one is Osteosarcoma. This type of bone cancer occurs primarily in younger adults and affects knee joints the most.

Cause and symptoms of bone cancer

The exact causes of bone cancer still seem to be a matter of research and study. The symptoms of bone cancer are linked to the position of the cancer-affected bone in the body. One of the symptoms of bone cancer is incidence of swelling or tenderness or pain in the area affected by bone cancer. The formation of a lump is another indication of bone cancer. Though the detection of a bone cancer related lump is a bit difficult in the initial stages of bone cancer, the lump can sometimes be felt (due to the restriction in movement that it causes) when the bone cancer occurs at joints (e.g. knee joints). However, none of these symptoms are prominent indicators of bone cancer.

Diagnosis of bone cancer

If you experience a lump or any of the bone cancer symptoms, you must not neglect them and seek advice of a qualified doctor. Remember that early diagnosis of any type of cancer (not just bone cancer) can help in getting a cure and reducing the threat to life.

Treatment of bone cancer

Removal of bone tumour through surgical procedures is one the most common ways of treating bone cancer. Radiotherapy and chemo therapy are other ways of treating bone cancer. A combination of different techniques is sometimes used to form a more effective bone cancer treatment. The kind of treatment to be administered is dependent on the stage of bone cancer and the place of its occurrence.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their []Bone Cancer blog for more information.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

Type of Cancer

Type of Cancer
By []Karen Lavender

Cancer is one of those words that everyone dreads. There are various types of cancer and any type of cancer is really bad news. All types of cancer are life threatening (this is what makes them so dreadful). Even with all that medical advancement we still don’t have a complete cure for all types of cancer. However, there is continuous research going-on for finding better treatments for cancer and to increase our knowledge on cancer in general. Though there are treatments currently available for some types of cancer, these treatments work only if the cancer is discovered in early stages.

Types of cancer

Generally, cancer is named after the part of the body in which it originates. Most common types of cancer are breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Though, this might vary across geographies etc, these four types of cancer seem to be the more notorious ones. The other types of cancer include: cervical cancer, pancreatic cancer, bone cancer, brain cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, bladder cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and testicular cancer. Besides this, cancer is also classified as primary and secondary based on whether it originated in that body part itself or spread from another body part.

Diagnosis of various types of cancer

It’s not just the treatment of various types of cancer that is difficult (or impossible) but also their detection (or diagnosis). In fact, correct and timely diagnosis is the first step towards treatment of any type of cancer. The earlier you are able to detect cancer, the more effective is its treatment.

Treatment of various types of cancer

Though the treatment of all types of cancers is not possible, some types of cancer can be treated if they are diagnosed early enough e.g. detection of malignancy when it has just started to develop. The treatment for cancer is carried out in many different ways. These range from surgery to radiotherapy, chemotherapy and biologic therapies. Hormone therapies are also gaining popularity for treatment of some types of cancer. Transplantation of bone marrow and many other new procedures for treatment of cancer are being constantly tried and analysed in order to get a fail-proof treatment for cancer.

Research on diagnosis on various types of cancer

The huge number of deaths that are caused every year by various types of cancer has lead to a lot of focus being put into the research on diagnosis and treatment of all types of cancer. Meanwhile, we can just hope that there will soon be a complete cure available for the most common types of cancer (if not all types of cancer).

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their []Type of Cancer blog for more information.

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